Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Fall Arrives - 1723 Words
Fall arrives in the city with crisp winds that brush leaves from the ground into the air in a slow churning whirlwind causing them to dance about, descending to the moist ground. A yellow cab is patiently circling the neighborhood in search of fares, which has been a twenty-year practice of Max – a stout, older man with a protruding belly that strains the buttons of his faded, much-wrinkled shirt. He slowly drinks a cup of lukewarm coffee and looks up at the dark, overcast sky, â€Å"Looks like rain today†he says. Knowing the streets of the city better than anyone, Max prefers to work on the east side around the old Elmhurst Cemetery. People don’t venture close to the cemetery claiming that they often see a young woman walking through it. Convinced she is a ghost looking for revenge, but this story never bother Max nor has he ever seen this ghostly young woman. Drops of rain begin to tap his windshield, but not enough for Max to engage his wipers. Until the rain begins to violently pound his cab prompting him to slam on his brakes. The cab swerves, his coffee spills on his chest and runs down his belly, â€Å"Crap!†he shouts in frustration. With his cab still swerving, he comes close to hitting a young woman crossing the street near the cemetery just before he stops short of hitting her left leg. He is shocked to see someone walking in such a violent storm, so he rolls down his window to yell, â€Å"Hey, do you need a ride?!†The young woman doesn t answer as she continues to cross theShow MoreRelatedThe Messenger Of The Lord902 Words  | 4 PagesPrecise dating for the book of Judges is not certain. Because of information found in the book composition seems to come much later after the event unfold. A date between 1400BC to 1200BC is debated among scholars for the composition. The Exodus also contributors to determine a good date for the book of Judges. 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