Thursday, August 27, 2020
Customer relationship marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Client relationship advertising - Essay Example Increasingly more business associations are promoting and investing their significant amounts of energy on building and keeping up solid client relationship for the most part to pick up profoundly helpful and important data on how might they best serve their clients and keep them steadfast. Relationship: A vital Initiative ‘Strategy’ is a typical trendy expression in the business recorded. Enormous number of organizations discover accomplishment with their system where the same number of go out of the business due to in-productive procedures. Systems have been assuming incredibly critical jobs in showcasing lately. It tends to be contended that relationship promoting is by all accounts the main issue of all other administration procedures in light of the fact that no different techniques can bring achievement except if there is ‘better relationship’ with clients. All the more explicitly, Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management and Knowledge Managem ent are a portion of the generally applied administration procedures and these can go to be in-powerful if the firm neglected to manufacture better connection with its clients. The more established benefit amplification, item direction and exchange based showcasing ideas have been addressed and thereupon blurred away and more up to date ideas of Customer Relationship Marketing has increased impressive spot in promoting scene. It in the end came about a move from the benefit direction to the idea of commercialization. Purchaser has been put to be ‘king’ or ‘boss’ in the market and this is regularly named as a change from in-out way to deal with the ‘out-in’ approach. Most businesses, administration areas like friendliness specifically, in exceptionally late days give extraordinary significance to building and keeping up ‘consumer loyalty’. Relationship advertising is essentially a more grounded technique to make client unwaveringnes s. ‘Value creation’, ‘customer loyalty’ and ‘relationship marketing’ are more between related terms in promoting, on the grounds that relationship advertising and its devices have been found to help accomplish client unwaveringness by making and adding qualities to the clients. Clients are better fulfilled just when they find expected qualities from the items or administrations they devour and this thus lead them become faithful clients. With regards to the technique observation, the advertising the board centers around holding clients and make them their steadfast clients. A dream to create benefits or increment creation or contend with others through any potential measures isn't actually what a business is relied upon to have. Rather, creation, rivalry and what ever a business does must be proposed and ready to fulfill its likely clients, give them the normal quality, values and sensible guidelines, keep great connection with them such that t hey are treated as most esteemed ‘stakes’. Relationship advertising attempts to realize how to give esteems to the clients. Experimental confirmations show that 20 percent of the clients acquire at least 80 percent of the benefits for a business and along these lines organizations discover relationship showcasing as a key component to achieving sensible benefits that can assist them with getting by in the business. Finding new purchasers is frequently more costly than holding the current customers and changing over them to ‘
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Eleventh Commandment Essays - Social Psychology,
The Eleventh Commandment The Eleventh Commandment depicted the state church similar to the preeminent despot. It is through the eleventh instruction that the congregation held it's capacity and power over the majority. Without the congregation and it's pioneers to direct the majority, their general public would have fell. In any case, contrasted with Brave New World, the entire society is molded to work for everybody else(Huxley 67) by the maltreatment and day by day utilization of soma. Without the medication called soma, their general public would have additionally fell because of withdrawal side effects. The fundamental reality between the two social orders is that the majority are controlled, controlled, and programmed, without opposition, to obey and finish their pioneers different strategies for implementation. The Brave New World is constrained by a chosen few who call themselves Resident Controllers and Directors. These tip top not many can control the creation and choice procedure of social orders masses. Mustapha Mond, Resident Controller for Western Europe, and the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning, supervise the molding of incipient organisms. Their forces and authority over these specific purviews gave them extraordinary force, and with that the capacity to control others. 'You ass'... said the Director,... 'Hasn't it happened to you that an Epsilon undeveloped organism must have an Epsilon domain just as an Epsilon heredity'(Huxley 23). Through a progressive system of Alaphas and Betas down to the lower cast Epsilon, everybody was appropriate for their activity. The Director in any case, through his situation of power, had the option to ... condition the majority to abhor the country,(Huxley 30). In doing as such, the Director prevails with regards to making a submissive socie ty, which obeys and retires from impulse of his orders. The Resident Controller and Director were two legitimate figures that had the option to control whomever and whatever every individual worked at, even before they were imagined. Each cast had pre-imagined ethics lectured them through molding, and to this end adequately programmed to the point of absolute compliance. The result of this indoctrinating by molding presents a general public that exists in two levels, the watchmen and the tamed creatures. The congregation and it's head diocese supervisors can control and control the majority in North America by lecturing the eleventh charge through exacting laws and authorization rehearses. The eleventh rule appointed that each man and ladies must be productive and duplicate. As a result of this edict and of the activist decision religionist requirement, North America alone had four billion individuals, but then the congregation kept on lecturing the eleventh decree and it's practices. The opposition between landmasses was the main thrust behind the eleventh charge. On the off chance that it was not the seriousness between administering church expresses, the eleventh decree would have been annulled. Through authoritarian control the repercussions of not being productive and duplicating, or of utilizing prophylactic gadgets were generally extreme for any man or ladies, and frequently lead to discipline and elimination. Coupled to the demonstrations of discipline, frequently medicates a nd other conditioning strategies were utilized on the individuals who didn't comply with the eleventh edict. Through control and conditioning of the majority the congregation had the option to control their general public to the point of absolute express starvation. Control and authorization to the majority in the Brave New World was exceptionally simple for the individuals who were in charge. The strategies utilized by people with significant influence were shifted between the use of subliminal influence, hypnopaedia, programming, and compound influence. Pavlovian molding was utilized on small kids through consistent control and dreary hypnopaedia. The utilization of synthetic influence anyway could be believed to be increasingly influent on the day by day lives of the separating throws. It was part brutality and part mental control for the individuals who lived in the Brave New World. For those people who didn't comply with the gauges set out by their pioneers, they were banished to an island where they were disregarded for the remainder of their lives. While synthetic influence was predominant in the Brave New World, the openness and utilization of medications, particularly prophylactic medications, was carefully illegal by the congregation. While the congregation authorized their precepts through a severe military extremist requirement organization, individuals kept on looking for preventative medications. While a few people were slaughtered for their deviations against the congregation, a great many people were indoctrinated
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive MBA News GMAC Gets Tough on Cheaters
Blog Archive MBA News GMAC Gets Tough on Cheaters Yesterday, we blogged about GMAC’s victory over, a site that was illegally distributing GMAT questions to students, who paid $30 each for membership on the site. Today, BusinessWeek has reported (“Shutting Down a GMAT Cheat Sheetâ€) that more than 1000 students are in jeopardy of having their scores nullified and having their targets schools find out about their mischief. BusinessWeek speculates, “For many, their B-School dreams may be effectively over.†Judy Phair, GMACs vice-president for communications, tells BusinessWeek, “This is illegal… If you used the site and paid your $30 to cheat, your scores will be canceled. Theyre in big trouble.†In the article, BusinessWeek raised the possibility of some MBA programs expelling existing students who are found to have used the site in the past. Schools were understandably non-committal at this point, but it is fair to write that this could be the beginning of an enduring saga. Share ThisTweet Blogroll News
Monday, May 25, 2020
Like Used in Idioms and Expressions
The following English idioms and expressions use the word like. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help ​your understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with like. Eat like a horse Definition: usually eat a lot of food Tom eats like a horse! Make sure to grill three hamburgers for him.He doesnt usually eat like a horse. Eat like a bird Definition: usually eat very little food She eats like a bird, so dont make too much for dinner.He weighs 250 pounds even though he eats like a bird. Feel like a million Definition: feel very good and happy Im feeling like a million today. I just got a new job!After his promotion, he felt like a million. Fit like a glove Definition: clothes or apparel that fit perfectly My new shoes fit like a glove.Her jeans fit like a glove after she went on a diet. Go like clockwork Definition: to happen very smoothly, without problems The presentation went like clockwork.Her plans went like clockwork and she was able to join the company. Know someone or something like the back of ones hand Definition: know in every detail, understand completely She knows me like the back of her hand.I know this project like the back of my hand. Like a bat out of hell Definition: very fast, quickly He left the room like a bat out of hell.They drove off like a bat out of hell. Like a bump on a log Definition: not moving Dont sit there like a bump on a log!She sits around all day like a bump on a log. Like a fish out of water Definition: completely out of place, not belonging at all He looks like a fish out of water on the football field.The boss felt like a fish out of water in San Francisco. Like a sitting duck Definition: be very exposed to something He felt like a sitting duck and moved to cover his position.Your investments have left you like a sitting duck in this market. Out like a light Definition: fall asleep quickly He went out like a light.I hit the pillow and was out like a light. Read someone like a book Definition: understand the other persons motivation for doing something She can read me like a book.I know you dont mean that. I can read you like a book. Sell like hotcakes Definition: sell very well, very quickly The book sold like hotcakes.The iPhone initially sold like hotcakes. Sleep like a log Definition: sleep very deeply I was tired and slept like a log.She went home and slept like a log. Spread like wildfire Definition: an idea that gets known very quickly His solution to the problem spread like wildfire.Her opinions spread like wildfire. Watch someone like a hawk Definition: keep a very close eye on someone, watch very carefully Dont make any mistakes because Im watching you like a hawk.She watches her son like a hawk whenever he goes outside to play.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Anti Social Behaviors On The Internet - 873 Words
Anti social behaviors on the Internet The word trolling on the online has lots of power, trolling can go from fun to death real fast. It depends how you express your words on the Internet towards someone or someone towards you. The anti social behaviors on the Internet had caused people to suicide, to sexual harassment, for us as a browser on the Internet we are exposed to all these threats. The big social media should have more protection towards these behaviors more seriously. This trolling movement on the internet is how can you see how life has been evolving, same as the past when not the many people was able to go to someone to sexual harass him or her, now days is different because everyone can do such harm to someone, been miles away or you own neighbor via internet in social media. Know in the present era is â€Å"cyber bulling†; this is how technology had been evolving, to bad and to good. The word trolling on the internet could be a behavior that need to take care of more, is not a superficial thing for many folks, internet browser, as most of the people in the world could name, in this new modern culture. Where you can chat, meet new people from the entire world, and not be sure if the person you just met, also get in you profile without permission or hacked you. This is what worries most of the Internet browser not been able to have privacy, and a law to protect all the Internet browser. To take more serious this behavior that it have cause numerous murders, andShow MoreRelatedThe Internet and the Behavior it creates617 Words  | 3 PagesStates, the internet has become an excellent resource of information and learning. Although this has become a powerful tool that is of great benefit it is becoming problematic to the youth of America. The internet has creating anti-social behavior in our children that are now young 20 something’s. Anti-social behavior is the lack of consideration for others and may cause damage to the society, w hether intentionally or through negligence. (Berger, K. 2003) Many times this anti-social behavior resultsRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effect On Society1590 Words  | 7 PagesPoint in case, the Internet is an aspect of the 21st century that had no place in previous generations, yet occupies a percentage of time nowadays. The Internet has many positive features, yet numerous, less known harmful effects on society, affecting different age groups and parts of the population in different ways. The Internet is predominantly a catalyst for communication; communication that would otherwise have been extremely difficult or impossible to initiate. The Internet helps people stayRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1273 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Privacy is dead, and social media holds [sic] the smoking gun,†said Pete Cashmore, CEO and founder of a famous online blog. 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Added to this fact, the internet is widely available in people’s homesRead MoreCyberbullying And Its Effects On Our Society938 Words  | 4 Pagesthis crime. An anti-bullying organization came about by youth in Canada to address the issues surrounding bullying in our society. This advocates for bullying awareness online, insisting that not enough government attention has been given to the issue of cyberbullying. It strives to influence the criminalization of this in Canada through public awareness. Its efforts cause question of the tolerance that cyberbullying has in our justice system. It seems ironic and illogical that internet users feel unsafeRead MoreRacism And Dissemination Based On Hatred And Racial Superiority1274 Words  | 6 Pages Racism on the Internet Kristofer Palmer Texas AM University San Antonio Aug 8, 2014 Racism and dissemination based on hatred and racial superiority were pressing social problem prior to the emergence of the information age and digital communications. 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Although they can be somewhat overwhelming, a cellphone is a practical device which canRead MoreHow our Society is Evolving with the Mass Media1162 Words  | 5 Pageslives due to the increase of dependency since the late 1920’s when Televisions have become commercially available to the public, or even as old as the printing press, and the reliance on the media has soared since then with the introduction of the internet, as well as many other forms of technology â€Å"Weve arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology.†(Sagan, C.). But how are these forms of media affecting our way of life?. The mass media was andRead MoreBullying Is A Major Social Problem1678 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that invo lves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time†(Bullying Definition | Bullying has become a major societal problem throughout America. Many children are bullied at school, home, and even online. Every school in the U.S. is grappling with bullying each day. More than 160, 000 kids across the country are absent because they are afraidRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Gay Male Body Image1209 Words  | 5 Pages7) Lanzieri, N., Hildebrandt, T., (2015). Using Objectification Theory to Examine the Effects of Media on Gay Male Body Image. Clinical Social Work Journal, 44(1), 105-113. The existing studies have indicated the gay male adults are more likely to develop body image dissatisfaction than other male populations due to variety of social and culture elementsâ€â€particularly in media. Lanzieri and Hildebrand argued that gay media sources had produced the ideal male physique that negatively impact on its
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Fall Arrives - 1723 Words
Fall arrives in the city with crisp winds that brush leaves from the ground into the air in a slow churning whirlwind causing them to dance about, descending to the moist ground. A yellow cab is patiently circling the neighborhood in search of fares, which has been a twenty-year practice of Max – a stout, older man with a protruding belly that strains the buttons of his faded, much-wrinkled shirt. He slowly drinks a cup of lukewarm coffee and looks up at the dark, overcast sky, â€Å"Looks like rain today†he says. Knowing the streets of the city better than anyone, Max prefers to work on the east side around the old Elmhurst Cemetery. People don’t venture close to the cemetery claiming that they often see a young woman walking through it. Convinced she is a ghost looking for revenge, but this story never bother Max nor has he ever seen this ghostly young woman. Drops of rain begin to tap his windshield, but not enough for Max to engage his wipers. Until the rain begins to violently pound his cab prompting him to slam on his brakes. The cab swerves, his coffee spills on his chest and runs down his belly, â€Å"Crap!†he shouts in frustration. With his cab still swerving, he comes close to hitting a young woman crossing the street near the cemetery just before he stops short of hitting her left leg. He is shocked to see someone walking in such a violent storm, so he rolls down his window to yell, â€Å"Hey, do you need a ride?!†The young woman doesn t answer as she continues to cross theShow MoreRelatedThe Messenger Of The Lord902 Words  | 4 PagesPrecise dating for the book of Judges is not certain. Because of information found in the book composition seems to come much later after the event unfold. A date between 1400BC to 1200BC is debated among scholars for the composition. The Exodus also contributors to determine a good date for the book of Judges. Authorship is accredited to Samuel although many scholars think that the book was written by multiple authors and put into one unit The purpose of writing the book of Judges is to show theRead MoreSell Sheet Biographical sketch Darrell Case is the author of Live Life to the Fullest, Out of700 Words  | 3 Pagesschool board she is fired, thrown in jail, and ran out of town. With the threat if she protests she will be tried and sent to prison. Her brooch the only link to her decease mother is stolen. Adam’s easy going nature draws her out.. When Adam arrives at the church he immediately initiates change in their policy angering the deacons. The first service he invites his poor, his black butler, James and his father Elijah to church something unheard of in upper class church. 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A Book1061 Words  | 5 PagesTHE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER __________________ A Book Review Presented to Mr. Parsons and Mrs. Amy Lack Woodville High School __________________ U.S. History I and English 10 __________________ by Arian Campbell April 19, 2017 The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a 271-page novel. Tom is a boy, and merely and exactly an ordinary boy on the moral side. What makes him delightful to the reader is that on the imaginative side he is very much more, andRead MoreNeverwhere: Book Analysis1304 Words  | 6 PagesVillarosa, Katrina Ysabel P. ENGLISH IV BOOK ANALYSIS NEVERWHERE â€Å"Fall into the shadows, discover a world unknown, Journey through London bellow, be Neverwhere.†Introduction: A psychoanalytical approach to a world behind a world, invisible to the naked eye, existing because of magic, danger and fantasy, Neverwhere. The psychoanalytical theory can be used as a way to explain the change of heart of Richard Mayhew when he had been introduced to the underground world he thoughtRead MoreThe Buddhas Charter Of Free Inquiry1733 Words  | 7 Pagespersonal interest. He further insisted that if one were to discern the discourse correctly, wisdom is processed throughout. The sutta, he said, is very obvious â€Å"in rejecting the bad and adopting the good way†¦ the place of critical examination and analysis in the development of right vision.†Buddha’s insight into the matter of judgment is beyond our normal understanding. As the four solaces show that a noble life is not about faith in rebirth and retribution. Instead, it is about happiness of theRead MoreEaster Island : Historical Analysis1308 Words  | 6 Pagesthe past. Easter Island i s an isolated historical place that boomed in population and thrived in culture. The name Easter Island was born from the first European, Jacob Roggeveen, to arrive on Easter Sunday in the year 1722. The islander’s culture left a legacy that was important enough to get into the history books and minds of many. Easter Island is commonly known for the home of giant Moai stones that tourists today visit in awe. Few people understand the history of the Polynesian settlers thatRead MoreAchebe and Fanon on Colonization and Decolonization1400 Words  | 6 Pagescome to take the land from the native inhabitants, many changes occur. In his book The Wretched of the Earth, Franz Fanon gives his insight into how the process of colonization and decolonization happens, and the resulting physical and mental effects on both groups of people. Telling this from a strictly historical and platonic standpoint he gives an accurate representation of how it works. Whereas in the novel Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe chronicles the life and times of an African family located
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Issues and Solution by Honda Motors in China Market
Question: Describe about the Issues and Solution by Honda Motors in China Market. Answer: Analysis of organization and the countries This essay is basically based on the problems faced by the company in the market. For the discussion, one country has been chosen. For the analysis, the company has been chosen named Honda Motors and country has been chosen named China. The issue with Honda Motors in china was that the worker of the company wanted their own union to whom they can tell their problem. Along with this, they wanted to increment in their salary and pay scale. Because of their demands, the production of the company was shut down and around 1700 workers were on the strike. This situation became very serious problem for the management of the company. Honda faced the shortage of workers for production and company also faced the loss in the sales and revenue. Along with this, this matter became the political matter which impacted the brand image of the company among the customers (Marketwired, 2008). As per the contingency theory of the organizational behavior, the problem in the Honda motors was related to the pay scales. The company can use negotiation process to tackle the problem. Company should provide them the salary more than their average salary. The company can say to the employees to sign in the contract to ensure that they will not go on the strike again. As per social structure, the company Honda motors in a centralized company where the rules and policies are in a proper manner (BARBOZA, 2010). It has been observed that the china is not the destination of cheap labor so, the company decided to shut down the production of five units to tackle the situation. By the environmental theory of the organizational behavior, when the Honda Motors was facing this issue, it was the chance for the competitors to enjoy the monopoly. At that time, the company increased the wages of workers (Martn, 2010). In case of the Honda Motors in China, the issue and problems were raised by the employees because they wanted to increase their salaries. The above discussed theories of the organizational behavior helped the company to tackle the problem. The theories help the company to maintain the respect of the workers to ensure them that they are the important part of the companys growth. The management team of the company in china was able to use the skills and power by negotiating with the employee and their union. The management of the company ensured success with its skill and knowledge (FOSHAN, 2010). References BARBOZA, D., (2010). More Honda Labor Trouble in China. Retrieved on 6th October 2016 from FOSHAN, ( 2010). Strike breakers. Retrieved on 6th October 2016 from Marketwired, (2008). Key Challenges and Issues facing the Motorcycles Market in China. Retrieved on 6th October 2016 from Martn, J., (2010). China: Honda workers strike the beginning of a new labour movement? Retrieved on 6th October 2016 from
Friday, April 10, 2020
The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Essay Example For Students
The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Essay Mrs. Mary RowlandsonThe Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is a personal account, written by Mary Rowlandson in 1682, of what life in captivity was like. Her narrative of her captivity by Indians became popular in both American and English literature. Mary Rowlandson basically lost everything by an Indian attack on her town Lancaster, Massachusetts in 1675; where she is then held prisoner and spends eleven weeks with the Wampanoag Indians as they travel to safety. What made this piece so popular in both England and America was not only because of the great narrative skill used be Mary Rowlandson, but also the intriguing personality shown by the complicated character who has a struggle in recognizing her identity. The reoccurring idea of food and the word remove, used as metaphors throughout the narrative, could be observed to lead to Mary Rowlandsons repression of anger, depression, and realization of change throughout her journey and more so at the en d of it. We will write a custom essay on The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The idea of food is constantly used throughout the Mary Rowlandsons narrative, because it was the only essential need that she was concerned everyday to survive. Before the captivity, Mary Rowlandson was an innocent housewife that knew nothing of what suffering was like. She has always had plenty of food, shelter, and clothing. As a reader, you can see how her views towards the Indians choice of food gradually changes throughout her journey, and how it is related to the change in her own self. After tragically losing all of her family and her home, she had to repress her feelings to move on with the Indians to survive. She described the Wampanoag Indians at Ravenous beasts when she was captivated, which shows the anger that she felt towards the Indians at that time. The Indians diet was really different from the whites. Rowlandson hardly ate a thing the first week she was held captive. She described the Indians food as filthy trash, and she could starve and die before she ate such th ings (306). As Rowlandsons hunger began to eat her up inside out, she had to repress her spoiled taste and anger in order to survive. During the seventh remove you can see her views of the Indians food change as she got two ears of Indian corn (307) and didnt want to give it up. When one Indian asked her can you eat horse liver? (307), Rowlandson replied that she would try if he would give a piece (307). As she ate it, she described the horse liver as a savory bit it was to me. She explain to herself that for to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet (307). You can see that Rowlandson has experienced a change in her view towards the Indians food. She began being disgusted with their food then gradually precious it. There were many times where Rowlandson felt like she could just lay down and die right there, but as the journey goes on she says I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord (308). Her desire to live was encouraged through her dependence on God, which in turn helped repress her true feelings of depression because of the sufferings she was enduring. As Rowlandsons travels goes on you could see that she has learned to accept the Indians culture. In the eight remove she says I boiled my peas and bear together, and invited my master and mistress to dinner,(309). That statement by Rowlandson does not seem like shes in captivity and that shes actually suffering. She also made clothes for the Indians, which they very much appreciated. Rowlandson realizes as she thinks to herself that throughout her time with the Indians not one of them offered the least imaginable miscarriage to me(310). She has fit herself into the Wampanoag Indian society by suppressing her true feelings of anger and depression towards the Indians in order to survive. During the eighteenth remove she stole a piece of horse feet from a child. Then she claims that the things that my soul refused to touch are as my sorrowful meat(318). Rowlandson seems to be willing to do anything to fill her hunger, and she knew that she would have never done anything like that before her captivity. She had to restrain her true honorable self and past ideals in order survive. Rowlandson realized at the end of her captivity that amazingly all the time she was among them one man, woman, or child die with hunger(324). She realized that the Indians were not picky and spoiled, they were resourceful and ate whatever they could get their hands on to survive. Rowlandson knew that she had changed after learning this fact about food. Her views of life were different after her experience with the Indians. Rowlandson says, the Lord has showed me the vanity of these outward things(329). Therefore, the metaphor of food could be related to how Mary Rowlandsons identity has changed from what it was before the captivity. Although she does not truly admit her anger and depression throughout the journey, her language itself can hint to the reader that she had to repress these feeli ngs in order to survive. Throughout this narrative the word remove is used regularly. The word can be seen in a figurative and literal way, both having metaphoric meanings to them. Every time Rowlandson and the Indians move to a new destination from their original place, she titles it a remove. There are twenty removes in her narrative, which literally means that her and the Indians traveled to twenty different places. The irony of the word remove is that she is actually moving closer to home and freedom instead of being removed from it. She has also actually been removed from what she use to be, fitting into another world with a different culture. Rowlandson from the beginning has had to remove her self from the ideas and values she use to believe in and also things that has had great value to her such as her dead baby. Again, events like this could lead to much depression and anger. But, she removed herself from those feelings through the words of God. She states in the fourth rem ove that Thus saith the Lord, refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, for thy work shall be rewarded, and they shall come again from the land of the enemy(305). Another way to describe the figurative meaning of the word remove can also be thought to mean the move of her spiritual life towards God. In each remove some incident she experiences was related to a passage in the bible. Mary Rowlandson learns something new in each remove by gathering proof that supports Gods words. Therefore, each remove could mean her own self moving one step closer to God, and being removed from her original state of innocence and not truly understanding the scripture. All this can come down to the theory that the last and only way Rowlandson could have the will to go on and survive was through repression of her feelings using the words of God as an excuse. Mary Rowlandson endures a great amount of pain throughout the whole story. She had many reasons to be angry, hurt, and depressed a s she lost everything in her life. Towards the end of the book she admits, when everybody is sleeping, my eyes are weeping(329). We can see the repression she experiences at the end when she cant even sleep because of all the sufferings she had experience. There she basically admits that she was not truly happy. This could have been the crucial point in the narrative where her feelings of being angry, hurt, and depressed throughout the whole journey have been build up so long and so much inside of her that she finally has a nervous break down. Therefore, Rowlandson is seen through the metaphoric ideas of food and the word remove to have not only repressed her feelings of anger and depression, but more importantly that at the end her ideals and identity have changed from before the captivity.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Youth -the Bearers of Change Essay Example
Youth Youth -the Bearers of Change Essay Youth -the Bearers of Change Essay Human history has witnessed many innovations, technological progress, and revolutions. Youth is the first to bring such a change. Youth is the greatest wealth and strength of any country. Who can forget the great sacrifices made by the youth in the Freedom struggle of India? The soldiers at boundaries fight for security of their nation without being selfish . Steve Jobs , the founder of the APPLE and the NeXT (who was an undergraduate ) is the great example of youths intelligence .Youth have played central and leading role in recent revolutions in Tunisia ,Egypt and other Arab countries . The Marathi newspaper Maharashtra Times has awarded Adhik Kadam, Chairperson Of Borderless World Foundation It works for the children in Jammu and Kashmir. These show youths awareness towards their social and political responsibilities. Mark Zuckerberg has discovered the most famous social networking site , Facebook and Mr. Uday Kumar from IIT ,Bombay gave new symbolic identification to Indian Rupee (: ).Examples tell us about the great potential of youth. In India, the movement of the Lokapal Bill led by Anna Hazare succeeded due to the participation of youth from the whole country and also from the world. Indian Constitution has given Right to Vote to its every citizen. Not only about voting, but also youth must contest elections and give well-educated and qualified representatives to the People Of India . Really, youth is the ray of hope for the transforming the political scene of India and making it more and more transparent.In last decade, India was facing the problem of ’brain-drain . But now their is a trend of brain-gain’. This trend is the positive sign for developing India. Youth is working for betterment of villages as well as for achieving the scientific, economic, social, technological, etc. growth of nation. Truly, youth is the keystone in making India superpower in 2020’. Therefore, the future of any nation lies in the hands of its youth. Th e quality of its youth determines the kind of future, the nation will have.If we want to ensure a bright future for our country, we first need to empower our youth. The right kind of education is key for it . Unless we mold the tremendous energy of youth in right direction, it can become destructive and dangerous for nation. It is well said that change is never complete. Hence, years after years, generations after generations, and centuries after centuries change is the only constant . And youth is the soul for every change and every transformation .
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Old Testament Prophets Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Old Testament Prophets - Research Paper Example A study of the scriptures shows that Joseph and Mary were David’s descendants even though their family lineages are different. The fulfillment of the conditions of the covenant by man was very crucial since, fulfillment led to blessedness while failure to fulfill or obey led to discipline or curse. The prophetic message or utterance entails forth telling, which is the explanation of current occurrences and foretelling, which entails what will happen in the future. God’s relationship with the children of Israel through covenants necessitated the prophetic utterance of the Old Testament prophets, correcting them when they strayed and encouraging them when they felt discouraged. In the book of the major prophet Jeremiah, the results of violating the covenants are very well documented, denoting the very great relationship between the covenants and prophecy in the Old Testament.3 Words, prophecies, wars and blessings are all shown to take place in accordance to what God has said many years earlier. It is in the book of Jeremiah where the chosen people of God are taken into captivity, with Jeremiah earning the tag â€Å"the weeping prophet†as he weeps continually , warning of impending judgment to a people and Kings who disbelieve and even have him thrown into prison. The exile into Babylon was a very distressful happening but one that could have been avoided had the chosen race heeded prophetic utterance, where God had warned that one of the consequences of disobedience would be exile to other nations. Though the prophets were speaking with their own voices, they were giving forth Gods mind and counsel to the children of Israel. God Some of the covenants that God established with His people include the one that He made at Aden as narrated in Genesis 1:28 -30 where God gave man the responsibility to procreate and fill the earth, with a promise to bless him.4 Man was also given the responsibility of taking care of the garden of Aden, having domin ion over the animals and taking care not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was at the centre of the garden. After man rebelled and ate of the tree of knowledge and evil, God made the Adamic covenant too, because the relationship between God and man changed since man had not kept his part of the bargain. 5 The serpent was cursed, God made the first promise of a redeemer, who would come through the lineage of Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac Jacob Judah and David. The woman was placed under the headship of man and would from then on suffer pain at childbirth. Man also suffered the loss of the garden of Aden where life was easy and henceforth got into a life of hard work due to the resultant cursing of the ground for his sake. He would from that time on suffer sorrow and have a shortened lifespan and also suffer the pain of death. God later made covenant with Noah after the flood which had been occasioned by man’s rebellion, leading to the destruction of the whole world with water except Noah and his family. God promised never again to harm his people with water, setting a bow in the sky to act as a reminder to man of God’
Thursday, February 6, 2020
American Industrialization during the 19th century Essay
American Industrialization during the 19th century - Essay Example For female Eastern European workers the transition from the age of handicrafts to the era of machines presents a picture of greed. Most of the former sharecroppers hoped for better life in the city, but in reality wages always work toward minimum level. To assert some control over the changes they jointed into labour unions. The populism movement of Arkansas protestant farmers had a great influence on cooperatives on a national scale. In general, industrialization helped them to improve production, but on the other hand they were faced with new problems caused by industrialization. Researchers suppose that social and economic conditions of American society created an ideal platform for industrialization. The protestant ethic and a belief in free business and an influence on technological innovation and economic growth. Labor-saving devices and new technologies freed workers to enter the factories, which also drew upon immigrant labor. Aided by the spread of the transportation network, the boom period in American industrialization came in the second half of the 19th century. "In the 1890s, groups of Americans seemed to be estranged from each other as they rarely had been before. A few were enjoying the fruits of astonishing wealth, building for themselves magnificent, multimillion-dollar "summer cottages" reminiscent of glittering European palaces" (Created equal, Ch.18, 2005). The most important event was that the working American class was shaped. This process was closely connected with introduction of machinery into manufacturing caused changes in the organization of work. The economies of organized wholesale production were soon made apparent, and the tendency to increase the size of the factory and to merge the various spheres of industry under control of big corporations has continued to the present. The complexity of business operations also increased with the development of transportation and trade facilit ies. Taking into account industrial innovations it is evident that the new industry needed more labour forces to progress, and immigrants, former slaves and women became the source of labour. All industrial changes had a great influence on the American social class structure affecting the lives of people. Primarily, these changes were closely connected with the break-up of the system. "European and American efforts to colonize and explore the far reaches of the globe brought whites face to face with darker-skinned peoples, whom scholars in the new discipline of anthropology studied and classified. The "New Immigration" from eastern Europe raised concerns about conferring citizenship on non-Anglos, such as Russian Jews, Poles, and Italians" (Created equal, Ch.18, 2005). Nevertheless, not all the benefits of industrialization were advantageous for social classes. After industrial Revolution such processes as "the emancipation" of women, the rise of women' self-consciousness became apparent. That understanding of rights always draws together women of similar ambitions and tasks now began to work significant changes in the economic order. Nevertheless, "many minority women, s uch as Hispana activist Adeiina Otero Wairen, supported the suffrage movement even though white leaders kept their distance and refused to embrace the antiracist campaigns of their nonwhite sisters" (Created Equal, Ch. 19, 2005). Eastern European factory women
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Teamwork Essay Example for Free
Teamwork Essay Andrew Carnegie – a famous businessman, the King of Steel once said â€Å" Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results †. Some people like to work independently, while others would prefer to work in a team. Is it more important to be able to work with a team or to work independently? Depending upon different personal traits and working environment, people will have different answers to this question. However, working as a group to complete an assignment and working alone to complete the assignment seem totally opposite. One obvious difference is working method. When you work alone, you can do everything in your own way. You can work independently without having to depend on other peoples opinions. Moreover, you have to make a clear plan for your work as well as arrange your time to finish the assignment logically to achieve the best performance. In contrast, when you work in groups, work will be assigned specificly to team members, each member takes a different job. Team work requires effort of all members, if a member doesn’t accomplish his job well, it will affect the work of all group. Each member oneself should understand that one person is a part of team but not separate individual. In addition, helping each other to complete progress of work is necessary though that task is not belonging to one’s job. The final result is all team’s efforts. Therefore, teamwork requires all member must have a sense of responsibility for their work. The second difference is working result. Admittedly, working in groups will much more efficient than working individually. The most effective team are able to solve complex problems more easily than one person can, for many capable minds are brought to bear on an issue. Having a team involved in a certain task is more productive than assigning it to only 1 person. Together, they can brainstorm their ideas and discuss the possible outcomes of each. Two heads are better than one. A group working in tandem will always provide better, faster results than an individual working alone. An other importance difference is your benefit when you choose to work in groups or work alone. When you work alone, you can improve your dependence because no one can help you. According to team work, you can learn many merits from others and improve your disadvantages. Some people have a great attitude to solve many difficult problems, like patience and honor. Additionally, when you work in a group, you also have a chance to express your ideas and have the comment from others. It’s the good way to improve your presentation skills and certainly your knowledge also. That is why Henry Ford rightly said â€Å"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success†. In summary, although teamwork and individual work have something different, these two skills are always important to us. Having work independent skill, you always gain initiative and make yourself decision in your work or own life. Meanwhile the teamwork skill help the team collect original various ideas from different individuals and finally reap the fruit, especially you also learn useful experiences from other members. In order to live and work well, the above skills are two practical and effective.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Prop 209 Essay -- essays research papers
Introduction      It has been said that California’s 1996 Proposition 209 is misleading. It can also be said that it is discriminating to women and minorities. Proposition 209 was passed on November, 5 1996 but has not taken effect since the Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional in February 1997. Body      As I stated before, Proposition 209 was passed in 1996 by California voters. It was passed by a margin of 56% to 46% but was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1997 and has not taken effect. There are many loop-holes in Proposition 209. One, for instance, is the title on the ballot: â€Å"Prohibition Against Discrimination and Preferable Treatment.†The proposed amendment would actually make sexual and racial discrimination more legal while attracting voters at the poll with its loosely written title. What Proposition 209 really does is end affirmative action outreach programs for women and minorities in government jobs and contracts, bans courts from ordering affirmative action remedies in the case of racial or sexual discrimination, and scraps math and science programs for girls. The proposed amendment is worded so carefully that it would persuade the average reader to vote for it, thinking they were voting against discrimination, while they w ere voting against discrimination programs. Proposition 209 hurts Californians in several ways. It would prohibit many outreach programs for women and minorities. Pr...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Deception Point Page 100
I tried to help him, Pickering told himself, recalling all the damaging evidence he had sent Marjorie Tench. Unfortunately, Herney had forbidden its use, leaving Pickering no choice but to take drastic measures. â€Å"Rachel,†Pickering said, â€Å"the information you just faxed off this ship is dangerous. You must understand that. If it gets out, the White House and NASA will look complicit. The backlash against the President and NASA will be enormous. The President and NASA know nothing, Rachel. They are innocent. They believe the meteorite is authentic.†Pickering had not even tried to bring Herney or Ekstrom into the fold because both were far too idealistic to have agreed to any deceit, regardless of its potential to save the presidency or space agency. Administrator Ekstrom's only crime had been persuading the PODS mission supervisor to lie about the anomaly software, a move Ekstrom no doubt regretted the moment he realized how scrutinized this particular meteorite would become. Marjorie Tench, frustrated by Herney's insistence on fighting a clean campaign, conspired with Ekstrom on the PODS lie, hoping a small PODS success might help the President fend off the rising Sexton tide. If Tench had used the photos and bribery data I gave her, none of this would have happened! Tench's murder, though deeply regrettable, had been destined as soon as Rachel called Tench and made accusations of fraud. Pickering knew Tench would investigate ruthlessly until she got to the bottom of Rachel's motives for the outrageous claims, and this was one investigation Pickering obviously could never let happen. Ironically, Tench would serve her president best in death, her violent end helping cement a sympathy vote for the White House as well as cast vague suspicions of foul play on a desperate Sexton campaign which had been so publicly humiliated by Marjorie Tench on CNN. Rachel stood her ground, glaring at her boss. â€Å"Understand,†Pickering said, â€Å"if news of this meteorite fraud gets out, you will destroy an innocent president and an innocent space agency. You will also put a very dangerous man in the Oval Office. I need to know where you faxed the data.†As he spoke those words, a strange look came across Rachel's face. It was the pained expression of horror of someone who had just realized they may have made a grave mistake. Having circled the bow and come back down the port side, Delta-One now stood in the hydrolab from which he had seen Rachel emerge as the chopper had flown in. A computer in the lab displayed an unsettling image-a polychromatic rendering of the pulsating, deepwater vortex that was apparently hovering over the ocean floor somewhere beneath the Goya. Another reason to get the hell out of here, he thought, moving now toward his target. The fax machine was on a counter on the far side of the wall. The tray was filled with a stack of papers, exactly as Pickering had guessed it would be. Delta-One picked up the stack. A note from Rachel was on top. Only two lines. He read it. To the point, he thought. As he flipped through the pages, he was both amazed and dismayed by the extent to which Tolland and Rachel had uncovered the meteorite deception. Whoever saw these printouts would have no doubt what they meant. Fortunately, Delta-One would not even need to hit â€Å"redial†to find out where the printouts had gone. The last fax number was still displayed in the LCD window. A Washington, D.C., prefix. He carefully copied the fax number down, grabbed all the papers, and exited the lab. Tolland's hands felt sweaty on the machine gun as he gripped it, aiming the muzzle at William Pickering's chest. The NRO director was still pressuring Rachel to tell him where the data had been sent, and Tolland was starting to get the uneasy feeling that Pickering was simply trying to buy time. For what? â€Å"The White House and NASA are innocent,†Pickering repeated. â€Å"Work with me. Don't let my mistakes destroy what little credibility NASA has left. NASA will look guilty if this gets out. You and I can come to an arrangement. The country needs this meteorite. Tell me where you faxed the data before it's too late.†â€Å"So you can kill someone else?†Rachel said. â€Å"You make me sick.†Tolland was amazed with Rachel's fortitude. She despised her father, but she clearly had no intention of putting the senator in any danger whatsoever. Unfortunately, Rachel's plan to fax her father for help had backfired. Even if the senator came into his office, saw the fax, and called the President with news of the meteorite fraud and told him to call off the attack, nobody at the White House would have any idea what Sexton was talking about, or even where they were. â€Å"I will only say this one more time,†Pickering said, fixing Rachel with a menacing glare. â€Å"This situation is too complex for you to fully understand. You've made an enormous mistake by sending that data off this ship. You've put your country at risk.†William Pickering was indeed buying time, Tolland now realized. And the reason was striding calmly toward them up the starboard side of the boat. Tolland felt a flash of fear when he saw the soldier sauntering toward them carrying a stack of papers and a machine gun. Tolland reacted with a decisiveness that shocked even himself. Gripping the machine gun, he wheeled, aimed at the soldier, and pulled the trigger. The gun made an innocuous click. â€Å"I found the fax number,†the soldier said, handing Pickering a slip of paper. â€Å"And Mr. Tolland is out of ammunition.†124 Sedgewick Sexton stormed up the hallway of the Philip A. Hart Senate Office Building. He had no idea how Gabrielle had done it, but she had obviously gotten into his office. While they were speaking on the phone, Sexton had clearly heard the distinctive triple-click of his Jourdain clock in the background. All he could imagine was that Gabrielle's eavesdropping on the SFF meeting had undermined her trust in him and she had gone digging for evidence. How the hell did she get into my office! Sexton was glad he'd changed his computer password. When he arrived at his private office, Sexton typed in his code to deactivate the alarm. Then he fumbled for his keys, unlocked the heavy doors, threw them open, and burst in, intent on catching Gabrielle in the act. But the office was empty and dark, lit only by the glow of his computer screensaver. He turned on the lights, his eyes scanning. Everything looked in place. Dead silence except for the triple-tick of his clock. Where the hell is she? He heard something rustle in his private bathroom and raced over, turning on the light. The bathroom was empty. He looked behind the door. Nothing. Puzzled, Sexton eyed himself in the mirror, wondering if he'd had too much to drink tonight. I heard something. Feeling disoriented and confused, he walked back into his office. â€Å"Gabrielle?†he called out. He went down the hall to her office. She wasn't there. Her office was dark. A toilet flushed in the ladies' room, and Sexton spun, striding now back in the direction of the restrooms. He arrived just as Gabrielle was exiting, drying her hands. She jumped when she saw him. â€Å"My God! You scared me!†she said, looking genuinely frightened. â€Å"What are you doing here?†â€Å"You said you were getting NASA documents from your office,†he declared, eyeing her empty hands. â€Å"Where are they?†â€Å"I couldn't find them. I looked everywhere. That's what took so long.†He stared directly into her eyes. â€Å"Were you in my office?†I owe my life to his fax machine, Gabrielle thought. Only minutes ago she'd been sitting at Sexton's computer, trying to make printouts of the images of illegal checks on his computer. The files were protected somehow, and she was going to need more time to figure out how to print them. She would probably still be trying right now if Sexton's fax machine had not rung, startling her and snapping her back to reality. Gabrielle took it as her cue to get out. Without taking time to see what the incoming fax was, she logged off Sexton's computer, tidied up, and headed out the way she had come. She was just climbing out of Sexton's bathroom when she heard him coming in.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay about Conflict in Interpersonal Relationships
Conflict in Interpersonal Relationships Conflict. It could happen with a friend, romantic partner, co-worker, or complete stranger. There are many researchers out there who study conflict and all of the aspects to it. One thing that is clear is that conflict is inevitable in every interpersonal relationship, and it requires understanding, management, and reconciliation to prevent damage to the relationship. Dean Tjosvold and Lin Wang both of Lingnan University out of Hong-Kong wrote Developing a Shared Understanding of Conflict: Foundations for Sino-Western Mediation. This provided a very concrete understanding of conflict. They provided the definition of conflict as â€Å"opposing interests involving scarce resources and goal divergence and†¦show more content†¦On the other hand Dean Tjosvold and Lin Wang used the idea that â€Å"conflict conflict should be best considered as dynamic process, including antecedent, conditions, individual awareness, affective states, overt behavior and aftermath†(Thomas 1990). A good example of this would be; for the past month a guy has been hanging out only with his friends instead of his girlfriend (antecedent condition). The guy knows that this will eventually anger the girlfriend and the girlfriend starts to realize that him doing this is going to create conflict (individual awareness). After realizing this, the girlfriend becomes angry about the situation and decides to confront her boyfriend about his neglect to her over the past month (affective state and overt behavior). After the confrontation the guy agrees to spend more time with her and tell his friends he has to limit his time with them (aftermath). Of course this can change with each situation but it gives the general idea. Gerald Ledlow wrote a book called â€Å"Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development†and in chapter nine he talks about conflict in interpersonal communication. He provides information mainly about conflict management including management styles. This includes the Thomas and Kilman Model for Management. The author discusses the Thomas and Kilaman modelShow MoreRelatedConflict In An Interpersonal Relationships1552 Words  | 7 Pages Conflict is an inevitable part of our lives. Especially within an interpersonal relationship. Conflict occurs whenever there is a difference in the needs and goals of two people. This might create tension between two people. As of right now, one of my most major conflicts is held within an interpersonal work relationship. 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