Friday, December 27, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Women And Women s Rights - 879 Words
During the past century there have been significant changes in the modern values and norms of our society. While both men and women have had difficulties revolving around these changes, the Nineteenth Century really impacted â€Å"a sharp differentiation between the gender roles†(Radek, 2001, para. 1). Males and females are thought to have separate societal duties based on gender differences. The male’s duties began to be in the public sphere and the woman’s duties are confined to the privacy of the home. During this changing century, female status began to dramatically emerge through the fight for female education and women’s rights. Although men have had some significant challenges, they have not been more affected by the modern cult of individualism and self-actualization than women have. Traditionally, men have been the primary representatives of their families and are valued by the community, based on social status. As representatives of their families, men are held accountable even in regards to sexual misconduct. We see examples of this responsibility dating back to the 1600s. In a court case regarding promiscuity against â€Å"the wife of Alexander Aines†(Lauria, 1998, para 24). We notice that the wife’s name is not mentioned, only the patriarch of the household is named. Alexander Aines is then charged for leaving his family and exposing his wife to temptations. He, as the representative of his family, is responsible for her actions and has to pay the imprisonment chargesShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1455 Words  | 6 Pagesa myriad of women have expressed through outlets such as public assemblies, literature, and speeches. There have been three waves of the women’s movement, each targeting a variety of issues within each era. The third wave was in 1995, where Hillary Clinton spoke in Beijing, China, claiming that women’s rights were the same as human rights, that every aspiring girl deserved the civil liberties that every man was given around the world. Moreover, the movement had shifted towards women in developingRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1265 Words  | 6 Pagesstands in the way of women being equal to men? Journalist Carlin Flora suggests the following, â€Å"While not all claims to humanity are universal and no one context, culture or continent can truly represent all peoples, the following three examples from very different contexts, cultures and continents show that some violations of women’s human rights are universal. In particular, it is still the case the world over that a woman’s reproductive rights, which impact on her right to life, are still seenRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women881 Words  | 4 PagesTwenty –first century ladies are discovering it a daunting task to keep up both sexual orientation parts as an aftereffect of the women s activist development. They are presently assuming liability for both the supplier and the nurturer, battling like never before to acquire and keep a superior personal satisfaction. Woman s rights has supported in equivalent vocation opportunity, battling to get ladies acknowledged into the employment advertise, and what initially began as ladies strengtheningRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women Essay1647 Words  | 7 Pagesthe early 1920’s, women thought they had achieved the unachievable. They could finally work, keep their earned wages, marry whomever they please, and even vote. After reaching their goal and fighting vigorously, women could taste equality and the freedom they deserved. While women still have the right to work in today’s society, women are not exactly treated equal in the workplace. Regardless of the past and the extreme measures taken to ensure equal opportuni ties for both men and women, there are manyRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1590 Words  | 7 Pagesthe 1920s, women were ignored in every aspect of their life. From politics, to social situations, women were constantly looked at as lesser. The 20s was a decade of women ready to fight for their rights. From gaining social freedoms, to getting political rights, the 20s was the first decade of feminism. Many women played key roles in the fight for women s rights through speeches, marches, and much more. The women that fought for their rights in the 1920s completely changed how women live their livesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1230 Words  | 5 PagesWomen’s suffrage has stretched from the 1800’s to present day, as women have struggled to have the same civil and constitutional rights as men in politics and be appreciated as equals in the workforce. Groups of women known as suffragists questioned the customary views of women’s roles. Eventually our nation has evolved and realized that male-controlled societies suppress women’s rights. From the beginning steps taken in 1850 to 2013 with women earning combat roles in the military, women’s rolesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1206 Words  | 5 Pagesto speak of women and the role of women in this election, the subject of women is tiresome but necessary in a world where gender is still existent as an obstacle for most. I cannot identify what woman is. I am basing my definition from our modern understanding of woman, our general view, and the popular experience. People are using younger women voting for Bernie Sanders as proof of gender’s irrelevant in this election, that women have achieved their rights. Even if women ‘have rights now’ it doesRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1393 Words  | 6 Pages Women all over the world are being treated different than men. Iran is one of the places that women are being treated the worst. From restrictions to punishments, women in Iran are being treated with no respect, and that is not okay. Women’s rights activists have tried to get it to change, and have traveled to many places to try and get more people to join their movement. There are many issues with women not having the same rights as men. One of the main problems is that they are treated lessRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1272 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history, women have fought a strenuous battle for equal rights. Many men, and even some women, all over the world believe that women do not share the same value and importance to society as men do. On September 5, 1995, Hillary Clinton spoke at the 4th World Conference on Women, on behalf of women all over the world. Clinton raised awareness on how women s rights are being violated and why it is important to recognize women s rights as equal to everyone else’s rights. Even today, in 2016Read MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1052 Words  | 5 PagesThe family has traditionally been the basic unit of Chinese society where women have long been charged with upholding society s values in their roles as wives and mothers. Especially in the Qing Dynasty, women were required to balance society s i deals with the reality of raising a family and maintaining a household. Throughout the imperial period and into the beginning of the twentieth century, the relationship among family members was prescribed by Confucian teachings. The revered philosopher
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Conform free essay sample
In other cases being beautiful is very important to many people and some are willing to change to conform to everyone else’s perspectives to beauty. Others find themselves comfortable with just the way they are. Some people decide to go into painful plastic surgeries to fit in with the rest of the so-called beautiful people; others rebel against pleasing others and don’t put so much importance to it. They focus on being on what they really are. In â€Å"Barbie Doll†by Marge Piercy and â€Å"Lost Sister†by Cathy Song Girlchild and Sister struggle with their decision on whether to rebel or conform to what society expects. Girlchild from â€Å"Barbie Doll†chooses to conform to society’s expectations. Girlchild does not consider herself beautiful because she has large nose and chubby legs. Even though she is described as smart and in good conditions, the people around her only care of how she looks physically. We will write a custom essay sample on Conform or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The requirements to be beautiful are so limited and her good features are not one of them. Physically, Girlchild does not believe herself as beautiful. Barbie dolls are the ideal form of beauty, with the perfect body, big eyes, and perfect nose. Girlchild does not carry any features of a Barbie doll but that does not mean she is ugly. Instead of finding her own way of beauty Girlchild decides to fit in. So Girlchild loses weight, changes her look, and attitude to please others. Even like that people criticize her of being imperfect all they still see is â€Å"a fat nose on thick legs†(Piercy 11). She fails to find acceptance, even after all the hard work she puts into it. To conform to everyone else she finally decides to cut her nose and legs off. This decision to fit in causes her life to end. After that the undertaker fixes her up putting on a fake nose and fixing other imperfections. At her uneral now that she carries a different nose, the so-called perfect nose, everyone finally asks â€Å"Doesn’t she look pretty? †(Piercy 23). At last she succeeds to be accepted but now it doesn’t really matter, because she is dead. In the other hand sister from the poem â€Å"Lost Sister†did not conform instead she decides to rebel. Her culture expects women to be loyal, obedient, and t o stay at home and care for their family throughout all their lives. Sister is compared to a jade stone, because like the stone women are able to do so much, but are not able â€Å"to move freely†(Song 13). In Sister’s culture women are destined to take care of their family and are not capable to achieve anything else. They also have to go through a painful process of foot binding that didn’t allow them to walk comfortably. This foot binding procedure is for women to have small cute feet. It also enables them to move fast and far. Sister does not conform to this lifestyle unlike Girchild, Sister decides to seek opportunities and equality in America. Sister leaves to another country to find freedom. In America she does not have to go through painful procedures to be accepted. She now has the opportunity to â€Å"stride along with men†(Song 36). While this is what she wants, she is still not satisfied. In America she has no family. By rebelling she gets what she wants but she is unable to share this with her family. She is unable to understand the new language. The city is nothing like where she was born; in the city there is always light and the air is not the cleanest. She starts to miss China. She realizes it wasn’t so easy after all. Even though one decides to rebel and the other to conform at the end, ironically, they are both unhappy. Girlchild is lifeless unable to enjoy her accomplishment and Sister was unable to share her freedom with her family.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Oneill and Williams an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by
Oneill and Williams The plays Long Days Journey into Night by Eugene Oneill and A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams both depict characters that are torn apart by memories from which they try to alienate themselves. The ghosts of the past shadow the present and obscure the future, as the Mary Tyrone and Blanche Dubois are driven into conflict with their families and toward mental distress because of their inability to handle their situations. Mary and Blanche both demonstrate the influence that actions of the past have over the present, and the difficulties these characters find in simply moving on after ones mistakes. Need essay sample on "Oneill and Williams" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Both plays depict these individuals as seeming to possess self-perception problems that originate with and are fueled by the synergistic interplay of their actions with that of others. In depicting this, both playwrights fashion characters whose conflicts and resolutions point toward the existence of an almost classical tragic flaw that drives them to their downfallsa flaw is directly connected to their lack of self-awareness. It can be seen that Mary and Blanche are plagued by an obscured ability to perceive themselves for who they truly, and this leads to a line of tragic circumstances that end in their mental and emotional alienation from themselves and their families. In Long Days Journey into Night one might consider that Marys inability to perceive and define herself stands at the root of the problems that she and her family face. It is she (and her husband Tyrone) who set the tone for their family, and from whom their children might be considered to have derived their misfortunes. While the family struggles for a unified identity, the mother is at odds with herself. Mary suffers from an inability to truly envision the forces that are at work in her life. She is a morphine addict, and the blame for her inability to rise up and take hold of the problem is often cast off onto another of the characters. In one respect, she blames the doctor for her addiction problems, and she blames her husband Tyrone for hiring him. Her son reveals this in his dramatic response to his fathers assertion that no one was to blame. He replies, That bastard of a doctor was! From what Mamas said, he was another cheap quack like Hardy! You wouldnt pay for a first rate [doctor] (1303). Mary sees her husband as a man who possesses a reasonable amount of wealth, but who prefers to spend it on failing real estate deals rather than on the needs of his family. In her opinion, her husband affects prudence in his parsimony, yet might be considered truly dissipative in his determination to direct his resources toward real estate and liquor. She sees his frugality as being to a fault and blames this particular strain of his character for her current demise. She does sometimes allow a glimpse of her true self, such as in her near-confession to her husband of her re-addiction to the drug (in the final scene of Act I). She says, I tried so hard! I tried so hard! Please believe (Oneill, 1316), but she soon retreats into denial, demonstrating a stubborn refusal to remain self aware and to take responsibility for her own problems. In A Streetcar Named Desire, one finds Blanche in a position in which she too depicts the loss of her own self awareness. Her entire character is one that is steeped in deception, as she seems reluctant not only to reveal her true self to her companions, but also reluctant to look herself in the eye. She affects a picture of Southern propriety and even completes this picture by accusing her sister Stella of compromising her own respectability in marrying Stanley. Yet, Blanches true character is revealed by degrees as the story continues, and she is found actually to be the polar opposite of that which she pretends. Her affected chastity is confronted by the truth of her promiscuity and indecorumeven with under-aged youths. This inconsistency points on the surface toward Blanches deceptive nature, but when one looks deeper, one is able to see that she deceives as a means of escape from herself and her fate (which somehow seems to be connected to the family home). She says to her sister who has left that home, You left! I stayed and struggled. You came to New Orleans and looked out for yourself! I stayed at Belle Reve and tried to hold it together! (Williams, 1803). The Belle Reve translates to beautiful dream (Baym, et al. 1799). The name of home from which she has now escaped represents the dream world in which she has locked herself as a result of the unbearable aspect of her reality. She is unable to see what she could accomplish if she were able to use her given her qualities constructively. Rather, self awareness proves too painful for her, and she retreats into the shadow of a dream where she becomes a more palatable version of herself. Eugene Oneill, in Long Days Journey into Night, fashions in Mary a character whose self awareness is also impaired. She proves to be very confused, even about the part she plays in her own life. She is surrounded by family members whose sentiment toward her ranges from pity to mistrust, and she too feels a range of emotion toward them and herself. She is unable to sift through all these conflicting sentiments, and is often caught in contradictory statements. In the first scene of Act II, where her son Jamie confronts her about her morphine addiction, she complains to his brother Edmund that Jamie ought to be ashamed of himself (Oneill, 1313). In her very next line, after Edmund chastises Jamie, Mary begins defending the son she had just criticized when she replies, It is wrong to blame your brother. He cant help being what the past has made him. Any more than your father can. Or you. Or I. (1313). She begins by defending her son, and ends in a defense of her own actions. This speech demonstrates her entanglement with her changing perceptions of her family, yet it also reveals that deep down she relinquishes responsibility for her actions. She blames it all on occurrences of the past, choosing not to admit that those occurrences were orchestrated at least partly by herself. This lack of responsibility eventually leads to her downward spiral, as she continues to take larger and larger doses of morphine and is unable to realize her truest potential as a wife, mother, and human being. Blanche too embarks on a downward spiral that leads her into insanity, and this is also as a result of her lack of self-awareness. The dream world she has created for herself gradually becomes a permanent state of mind, as she seeks to remove herself from the harshness and depravity of her true character. At the beginning of Scene V, she is seen in a moment of clarity, as she recognizes the deception that she often perpetrates upon herself. As she writes a letter to Shep Huntleigh, affecting a friendship that no longer exists and fabricating the facts concerning her current situation, she begins laughing at herself for being such a liar (Williams, 1826). Later, she becomes less and less able to make this distinction, as she settles into a more fixed state of deception and denial. While she prepares herself for a suitor who will never come, her family prepares her for an asylum, which is the future that her perpetual dreaming has fashioned for her. Her refusal (or inability) to remain self aware fixes her in a mental state in which she is dehumanized in her constant alienation from herself. The characters of Mary and Blanche in the plays Long Days Journey into Night and A Streetcar Named Desire depict individuals whose problems regarding self awareness lead to problems within their families as well as within themselves. Blanches continued denial of the issues in her life lead her toward a fate in which her mind no longer has access to the realities she has fought so hard to repress. Marys inability to take responsibility for her own actions not only alienates her from her family, but causes her to give up on her efforts at ridding herself of her addiction to morphine. This addiction leads her to a type of self-alienation that is very similar to the one that Blanche experiences in her insanity, and the two women experience a gradual yet seemingly irreversible removal from themselves. Their initial tendencies toward self denial eat at their self awareness until its force can no longer be felt in their lives. They no longer know themselves, and are transformed into subhuman entities, dependent on their individual forms of escape in order to continue existing. Works Cited Baym, Nina. (Ed.). The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Vol. 2. 5th Ed. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1998. Oneill, Eugene. Long Days Journey into Night. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Nina Baym (Ed.) Vol. 2. 5th Ed. New York: W. W. Norton 1289-1367. Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Nina Baym (Ed.) Vol. 2. 5th Ed. New York: W. W. Norton 1794-1860.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Seven Considerations for an Ideal Job
Seven Considerations for an Ideal Job Free Online Research Papers In American society, the purpose of education is to acquire knowledge to apply toward your eventual job; the higher the degree of the education, the more professional, and thus the higher paying, the career. But little in our education actually helps us take a step back and discover what we would be good at, or interested in, or happy doing. Most people simple stumble into a career, and whether they are happy doing it is a matter of luck and happenstance, rather than planning. At the 30 year mark, I am starting a bit late with my career path, but that is how long it took to find what it is I wanted to do, and largely, I stumbled into it. It took years to find the questions I needed to ask myself, much more the answers to those questions. When it comes to my core skills, most of them revolve around dealing with people. I am an excellent communicator, with the ability to hear and answer questions perceptively. I pay attention to the people I am communicating with, and empathize with their point of view, giving clear answers. This is important, especially as I attempt to treat them. From my education and experience of massage therapy, I have found I am quite adept at putting people at their ease, the better to earn their trust as I attempt to sooth their aches. These skills lend to my ability to counsel people. To help them identify the cause of their ailments, and recommend a course of action to treat and prevent. I am an excellent evaluator. Paying attention to a client, both what they say and how they act, allows me to appraise and judge their condition, and extract the essence of what is bothering them. An excellent sense of a touch and manual dexterity helps me with the evaluation, as well as the treatment. By handling the problem areas, I can not only identify, but also communicate to them the source of their problem, and illustrate the proper treatment. This all takes precision, and a through grasp of the micro to be as accurate as possible. Specific treatments cannot be dealt with in a general sense. I must be able to communicate specifically if I am to counsel them on the proper treatment. My core skills of communicating, treating, counseling, evaluating, handling, and precision working are not just isolated areas I have some talent at, but work together and bolster the effectiveness of each skill as a whole set. My ultimate dream location to live and work is San Diego, California. I have always loved the ocean, and wish to live close enough to visit, if not on the coast itself. I hate the cold, and want to be someplace warm, with mild to no winter, and scorching hot summers. I do not want to live too close to my family, as I do not want to put up with the prospect of them stopping by unannounced, so central California or Nebraska is out. An upper-middle class neighborhood, with access to liberal private schools would be best for raising my child; someplace safe, but not isolated from the world and its problems. I want my daughter to have advantages, but not be spoiled or naive. As my main hobby is participation in the S.C.A., access to events is critical, but a couple hours drive time is convenient enough. Above all, the absolute one thing I will not compromise on is that my wife be happy there. My main interests revolve around the human body, and human potential. What people can achieve if they are willing to push themselves to physical and emotional limits. From this comes a distinct attraction to the martial arts, gymnastics, and swordplay. From this study has come the concept that to physically achieve requires emotional balance. A willingness to accept the world that is, rather than the world we want. As I hope to achieve a personal balance, so too I wish to help others achieve a similar state. I see the main obstacle to such achievement to be injury, whether it is a mild sprain or a blown joint. Such injuries are distinctly discouraging, leading to lethargy and abandonment. I would prefer to work inside. I like my own space, and enjoy the dependability of a controlled environment (hazaa to air-conditioning!). I can work outside, and do enjoy the outdoors; but still prefer a spa setting rather than nature. I know myself, and know that attempting to work from home simply would not work. Home contains too many distractions, and a thousand things I would rather do besides work. A commute, albeit a short one, would allow me time to switch ‘mental modes’ between home and work, helping to keep those two worlds separate. While I strive to maintain a professional demeanor, a relaxed atmosphere would promote the trust and communication I am trying to accomplish. Working hands on, one person at a time is also important. My clients need to feel that I am giving them my whole, unrushed attention; not pushing them through on the way to their payment. Late afternoon hours, say 10am to 7pm, would be ideal all around, perhaps with some weekend hour s to match my wife’s schedule at the time. It would allow me the freedom to take care of any family chores that need to be done, allow me to fit into the schedule of other professionals who must toil in the 8-5 world, and still spend a quiet evening with my wife. Though I prefer the independence of accomplishing my tasks on my own, it is always best to have the support of a team. Like minded individuals who share my profession, and can offer help or advise when warranted. When I am at work, I am at work. When I am at home, I am at home. I do not bring my work home with me, to interfere with my family life, nor do I let personal affairs detract from my professional performance. As such, I hope to work with people of a similar outlook. I am looking for work mates who take their job seriously, and accept that the environment will likely change to present new challenges. Adaptation, I have always felt, is the key to successful completion, rather than constant complaining. While I hope for a team effort, with those willing to pitch in and help where needed, I have always felt it paramount that professionals take responsibility for their own work. If the group constantly has to pick up the slack for an individual, resentment quickly sets in, destroying the team spirit that once prevailed. Personally, I have a certain pride. I wish to do my work, whatever it is, with quality and efficiency. I accept to the way things are, and do not waste my time complaining about ‘the way things should be.’ These are the values I hold most dear; personal values that I adhere to, and would very much like to see in those around me. It would be nice to find a way to promote self-sufficiency and acceptance in the people around me, but I just do not have the energy. In a therapeutic career, I would have a chance to get people back on their feet, literally. By pushing them, treating them, and counseling them, I can show them what can be overcome, and perhaps give them a glimpse of what could be accomplished. I hope to have a comfortable salary, but do not have the grand dreams or desires of a Maserati and a manor. My wife and I are planning on a two income family, with each contributing equally rather than adopting the roles of ‘bread winner’ and ‘home body.’ I am not looking for the inflated salaries or bonuses of a CEO, as I am not looking to be responsible for the performance of an entire company, or even the entire group. I see myself as part of a larger whole, but an independent part; accomplishing with the support, but not the interference of those around me. I think making $50,000 gross, riding the crest of inflation towards $100,000 around retirement, is reasonable for the 8+ more years of education I must invest in. Likely, we will have to pay for our own life and health insurance, while paying to put our little girl through private school. The S.D.S. workbooks I filled out states very specifically I should be a Medical Record Technician, with a Holland Code of CIR. My main Holland type of (C) is accurate enough. I am consistent and predictable. I have always had a talent for numbers, and am mildly obsessed with time. I like to have things organized out of convenience, more than putting them that way as a hobby. The secondary type (I) also fits. I am inquisitive, and seek knowledge and answers for their own sake. The final type of (R) is actually a trait I pride myself on. I choose to confront reality as it is, rather than as I wish; though I hate working with tools and machines. With my first two letters CI, my code has average consistency, and I would likely find great satisfaction in any conventional career. Even the values and self-perceptions associated with conventional types match me very closely; while my action mode and style are consistent with a realistic personality. Despite this, I dream of, and am striving for, a career in Physical Therapist, with a Holland Code of SIE. If the true measure of a man is what he does when no one is looking, then I am a social type all the way. Renaissance studies (I am an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronisms), military history, archery, swordplay, hiking; these are the subjects and activities that fill my idle thoughts and sap my free time. If the measure of a man is taken by the company he keeps, then I best fit an enterprising type. Adventurous, energetic, agreeable, self-confident, ambitious; while I may not describe myself that way, this is the list by which my friends identify me. Part of the confusion in nailing down my type may arise from the scoring of section three, careers in the Holland Handbook. The truth is, I have had most of the careers listed under section C. It is very easy for me to see myself doing all of them as I have memories of doing most of them. The fact that I h ave done so many of them is also how I know I would be miserable doing any of them. I am currently a collections specialist, and hate how little I can do to help my customers. Even with this bias, the difference between my lowest category and my highest is 14. Since the difference is less than 15, my interests are somewhat broad, making it easy for me to fit into many categories, but difficult to find a place in any one. Luckily, I have been facing the question of what to do with my life since I was 16. After 14 years of thought, the exploration of several options, and not a little soul searching, I am confident I am on the right path as a Physical Therapist. It incorporates my skills, addresses my values, and fulfills my desires. It directly relates to my hobbies and leisure interests, and incorporates the one job I ever had I was happy in. When I worked as a massage therapist, I was happy, skilled, and good at my job. As a straight, local 30 year old male in a career flooded with young, beautiful women, massage therapy is not a realistic career path for me. But Physical Therapy is something I not only can do, but can be truly happy doing. I am one of those lucky individuals that can learn to do any job and be successful at it, but SIE is the career category where I fit. Research Papers on Seven Considerations for an Ideal JobStandardized TestingResearch Process Part OneThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XThree Concepts of PsychodynamicMind TravelInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfQuebec and CanadaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement
Saturday, November 23, 2019
American Association of Retired Persons
American Association of Retired Persons Introduction Social organizations refer to social institutions that are established to serve a specified task usually in the interest of the society at large. Over the years social organizations and groups have played important role in enlightening and mobilizing individuals over various issues facing the society hence contributing to society transformation. In the United States, these groups have significantly influenced the way of life as well as governance.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on American Association of Retired Persons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More American association of retired persons (AARP) is one of the leading global organizations whose purpose constitutes promotion of positive social change in society. It was founded in 1958 at a time when the elderly experienced a lot of difficulties while acquiring life insurance. John Rother, the organization’s vice president for policy, strat egy and international affairs, approximates the number of members aged fifty and above to be over four million (AARP, 2010). This organization does not approach aging as a negative component in the society but analyses the world ageing demographics as the driving force to enhance transformation of the social policy that aim at improving the quality of life among people of all generations and all ages (AARP, 2010). The organization supports and promotes the ageing process all over the world through encouraging aging members to reside in places that promote decent living with affordable housing and accessible services, empowering and encouraging individuals to maintain their health and productivity, as well as promoting policies that provide healthy older people with opportunities to continue contributing towards the work force (AARP, 2010). This helps the older generation to maintain a source of income and provides diversity in the labor market. The organization further believes impr oved standards of living are directly related to longer lifespan. AARP provides an opportunity in which diverse societies can share the challenges and opportunities encountered as the members advance in age (AARP, 2010). The organization deals with issues that relate to improvement of the overall welfare of the population that is advancing in term of age and advocates for issues such as the elderly population access to affordable health care. In addition, the organization advocates for availability of retirement security through pension schemes as well as ensuring a firm background for traditional informal support system and creating effective policies around the global aging agenda (AARP, 2010).Advertising Looking for research paper on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Improved welfare among the elderly people in the society is associated with economic growth, social equity in distribution of resource s as well as ecological maintenance and preservation which are the key pillars of overall development in any society (AARP, 2010). AARP is a secondary social group whose functions are geared towards achieving high quality of life among the population. The organization has significantly transformed the attitude of Americans towards old age. National association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP) is a civil rights organization that diligently fights for the social justice of the minority groups in America. It was founded in 1909 and it’s the largest of its kind in the United States (NAACP, 2010). Ever since 1941, the organization has been the driving force behind civil rights advocacy in the United States. The organization spearheaded the enactment of 1964 civil rights act, the voting rights passed in 1965, and the1968 fair housing act among other achievements. It aims at promoting voting and voter education among the youth as a way of airing their preferences as wel l as promoting voting rights (NAACP, 2010). The organization further focuses on diverse issues such as climate change facing the country e.g. the hurricane Katrina. It has established climate justice initiative that was created for the purpose of mobilizing and educating people on the climate issue to enable them address the problem of climate change facing the society (NAACP, 2010). The organization has also devised mechanisms to uplift civil and human rights as they relate to economic opportunities (NAACP, 2010). It aims at ensuring that there is just and fair allocation of resources as the country embarks on a road towards economic recovery. It further promotes national education program by ensuring that American students have access to equal and high quality public education by discouraging racial and ethnic disparities prevalent in public institutions (NAACP, 2010). This organization is also a secondary social group whose aim is promoting the rights of the minority groups in Am erica. Bureaucratic Characteristics of Organizations The above bureaucratic organizations are characterized by division of labor where all tasks are classified into highly specialized fields which are allocated to qualified personnel (Lunenburg, 2007). The organizations also have an outlined hierarchy of authority that flows from the board of directors to the employees through senior staff. Bureaucracies are characterized by Impersonality (Lunenburg, 2007) which checks favorism and prejudice among staff members. In these institutions, recruitment, employment and promotions are based on competence and qualification and every task in the organizations is governed by outlined rules to ensure uniformity.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on American Association of Retired Persons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, extensive division of labor kills innovation and promotes monotony. Reliance to rules in these s tructures often results in inertia and rigidity and the organizations practically promote downward communication only. Conclusion Social groups play an important role in the society as they strive to ensure that the rights of individuals are not violated against. To ensure their effectiveness, the government and the society should support them in their activities. However, the organization should minimize bureaucratic procedures in order to achieve better results. Reference List Lunenburg, F. E. Ornstein, A. C (2007). Educational administration: Concepts and practices, NY: Cengage learning publishers. NAACP (2010). Advocacy and issues. Official website. Web. Rother, J. (2010). Aging as a global issue. AARP. Web.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Essay Evaluation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evaluation - Essay Example The ideas are also portrayed with a lot of clarity and with the right diction. The details are presented in a way that all persons can comprehend. However, the work can be questioned on its originality. A lot of direct quotes have been indicated in the work and with no in-text citations. Actually, the author quotes different articles in a different sites leaving the reader to question which article in that site. At the end of the work, one cannot tell the author of the articles that were used in the essay. One can get mixed up when reading when the author uses examples that are not comprehensive like when he says that Ryan was killed (Tapia 4). I would be better if the author gave more details on the events that ensued before the victim was killed. The conclusion would also have been made more inclusive and stronger. A lot also needs to be done on the Work Cited page in terms of paragraphing, indenting and including the authors’
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